Dr. Jeanette MacLean Live on Good Morning Arizona Demonstrating the Application of Advantage Arrest Silver Diamine Fluoride
Our very own pediatric dentist Dr. Jeanette MacLean was featured live on Good Morning Arizona demonstrating the application of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF). Watch as Dr. MacLean and assistant Stacy do the procedure on our 4 year old patient, Knox. They show how quick, easy and painless the process is and that little Knox actually enjoys going to the dentist! Isn’t that what we all want for our children? SDF use has been reported dating back to the 1800’s. It is widely used to treat decay in other countries (Japan for 80 years!) but only gained FDA approval in the US in August of 2014 and came to the market as Advantage Arrest in April of 2015. It is a non-invasive treatment for cavities that actually targets the bacteria causing the problem. Read more about the procedure.
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