We have always provided teledentistry services for dental emergencies, and we are now proud to expand this option to preventive services. Teledentistry is a virtual consult option for those patients and families that feel more comfortable delaying in-person routine care during the COVID-19 pandemic, but who also recognize the importance and value of continued support and guidance for their children’s oral health. Your virtual visit will include a visual examination, review of oral hygiene instructions, anticipatory guidance, and nutritional counseling. For those patients with increased risk of tooth decay, we also offer the option of picking up our kid-favorite remineralizing and prescription-strength toothpastes (MI Paste and JustRight 5000), manual or power toothbrushes, and various interdental cleaners for kids with and without braces. These fabulous oral health tools are like our version of dental “take-out.” Call us today to learn about this option 623-362-1150.
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